Penguin Updates – Adapting to the Changes


According to Matt Cutts – head of the anti-web spam team- Penguin 2.0 goes deeper and more comprehensive than its predecessors there the projected impact of sites could be more significant.  However, the sites that adhere to their webmaster guidelines have nothing to worry about and will actually benefit from the Penguin Updates.

Basically, what he is saying is that if your site is designed and developed according to what the users need, then you are aligned with their goals and are therefore safe from the changes.  They hope to help webmasters create a site that people like enough to share it and come back to it time and again.  It is these kinds of sites that Google Search Engines are trying to promote.  So for SEOs this means focusing more intently on what potential visitors are looking for and to find ways to make information entertaining.

Matt Cutts also mentions that he is excited about a certain link analysis they are working on.  It is already a signal for SEOs to clean up their link sources. And create link network that is more relevant for users than just creating links for the sake of building that network.

If SEO behavior is any indication as to how the Penguin has affected them, it is clear that SEOs  -like – they have found ways to adapted to the changes  in a good way and as quickly as it has rolled out. And fortunately for end users and business owners, spam sites have definitely gone down the ranks.

Phriskweb is a Sydney based SEO that uses ethical and transparent SEO techniques that help build traffic to your site.

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